Monday, January 24, 2011


I feel like I never write about anything that is "happy" per se. Well this is kinda true. I tend not to write about the good things because I feel like if I speak of them or mention them outside of my head..I'll jinx it. But you know what? I'm going to change that. In my head, out of my head, it probably doesn't matter because what will happen will happen.

So :)

Right now I don't really have anything thats just euphoric to share so hmm....maybe I should hold off on actually writing my good news post, and for now just say that rest assured that good things are coming!

Sometimes in life we focus on he bad, because it's just so easy. But we have to remember the good...the good is what keeps us going and wanting to see each new day. The good is what makes life worth living!

So I'm reminding myself to smile, smile smile! Because sometimes, nothing at all but just the fact that you are indeed living is GOOD enough :)

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